Mosquito Control in Northern California

Local, Family Team

No Gimmicks

Mosquito Control in Northern California

Need to reclaim your yard from pesky mosquitoes? Barrier Pest Solutions is here to help! Mosquitoes in Sacramento do more than just suck the fun out of your yard. They can also be health hazards and spread diseaes such as the West Nile Virus and Zika. 

When you partner with Barrier Pest Solutions, our mosquito treatments eliminate adult-biting mosquitoes and stop breeding in its tracks. Allowing your family to enjoy your yard all year long.

What to Expect From Barrier Mosquito Control

When you choose Barrier, you can expect thorough, targeted treatments that address adult mosquitoes and their larvae. Our integrated approach includes:

  • Monthly Treatments from April-October
  • Inspection: Identify where mosquitoes are likely to rest on your property and any standing water that will attract them to your yard. 
  • Treatment: Applying safe and effective products to eliminate mosquitoes.
  • Prevention: Utilizing specialized stations, we will continue to eliminate breeding sources in and around your yard. This greatly reduces the number of new mosquitoes around your home. 

Our methods quickly get rid of pests and prevent them from coming back, so your outdoor areas stay cozy and secure.

Schedule a Mosquito Inspection

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Barrier Seasonal

Barrier Seasonal
Starting At


  • 4 Annual Treatments
  • Spider Web Removal
  • Year-Round Warranty
  • On-Call Pest Professional
  • Bi-Annual Termite & Dry-Rot Inspections ($145 value)

Barrier Max

Barrier Max
Starting At


  • 4 Annual Treatments
  • Spider Web Removal
  • Year-Round Warranty
  • On-Call Pest Professional
  • Bi-Annual Termite & Dry-Rot Inspections ($145 value)


  • 2 Additional Annual Treatments—6 Total
  • Outdoor Rodent Control

Ready to reclaim your backyard? Call us at 916-931-3027

Barrier Mosquito Inspection

Mosquito Population Assessment: We start with a detailed assessment of your property to identify high-activity zones and potential breeding sites, such as standing water and shaded areas. Mosquitoes also love to rest underneath the leaves of your trees, bushes, and shrubs during the day. These shaded areas will always be a main focus during your treatment. 

In Sacramento and surrounding areas, we have 2 main mosquito species, the Culex and Aedes. Unfortunately, both of these mosquitoes can carry diseases. Our mosquito control program is specially designed to target both of these species to give you family relief and protection from mosquito born disease. 

Breeding Sites: Believe it or not, mosquitoes only need a capful of water to lay their eggs. Female mosquitoes lay up to 100 eggs at a time, it’s no wonder we see so many of them in Sacramento during the summer. Your mosquito control specialist will help to identify potential breeding sites and work with you to eliminate them. This can involve the following: 

  • Empty sandboxes, plastic toys, plant saucers, and abandoned buckets.
  • Change water weekly in wading pools and bird baths.
  • Keep outdoor pet bowls cleaned and filled with fresh water regularly.

Mosquito Misting Treatment

The second pillar of a comprehensive mosquito management strategy is the implementation of monthly treatments using a mistblower. Mosquitoes naturally seek shelter in cool, shaded areas, particularly within the foliage of trees and shrubs. Leveraging this behavioral tendency, mosquito control experts skillfully target these preferred resting spots. 

During each visit, Barrier’s mosquito control specialist will employ a mist blower to distribute a fine mist of mosquito control products directly into accessible trees, bushes, and identified mosquito hot spots. This precise application ensures that the treatment reaches deep into the areas where mosquitoes congregate, maximizing the effectiveness of the control measures. 

Mosquito Control Stations 

The final aspect of our comprehensive mosquito control program eliminates mosquito breeding. To achieve this, we employ the innovative In2Care® mosquito control stations. These strategically placed stations are designed to target adult mosquitoes by infecting them with environmentally safe bioactive agents. These bioactives are specifically formulated to interrupt the life cycle of mosquitoes by preventing larvae from hatching.

As an adult mosquito visits an In2Care® station, it picks up the bioactive treatment. When the mosquito departs, it inadvertently carries the bioactive to other, often hard-to-reach, breeding sites. This mechanism ensures that not only are the treated mosquito’s potential offspring eliminated, but it also disrupts the reproductive cycle of other mosquitoes in the vicinity. This dual-action approach significantly enhances the effectiveness of our mosquito control efforts, ensuring a broader impact across multiple breeding sites, thereby reducing the overall mosquito population in your area.

The In2Care® mosquito control stations will effectively and safely greatly reduce the number of mosquitoes in the area surrounding your yard. 

Enjoy Long-Term Relief from Mosquitos

With Barrier Pest Solutions, long-term relief from mosquitoes is not just a promise—it’s a guarantee. Our maintenance programs are designed to adapt to the changing seasons and mosquito patterns, ensuring effective control throughout the year.

Don’t let mosquitoes ruin your summer. Schedule your service with Barrier Pest Solutions now!

Family-Friendly Treatments

As a family pest control team, protecting yours is our top priority! All products used by Barrier Pest Solutions are EPA-approved and applied by trained professionals to ensure they are safe for children, pets, and the environment. We’re committed to providing treatments that you can trust to be effective and responsible.

Unmatched Customer Service

At Barrier Pest Solutions, our commitment to customer service is unparalleled. From the initial inspection to follow-up treatments, our team is dedicated to your satisfaction. We’re here to answer your questions and provide support, ensuring that your experience with us is as seamless and effective as possible.


Our Guarantee

Should pests persist in between scheduled treatments, simply let us know and we’ll re-service your home for no additional cost to you. That’s our guarantee to you!

Areas We Service in California

As a local business, we’re proud to help people throughout our community achieve pest-free homes. We do this by providing outstanding customer service and guaranteed results to everyone we work with. See the difference yourself!

Explore Our Service Areas

5 Star Review

Barrier has been taking care of 2 of my homes for many years. The team has been professional and the service has been excellent.

Yogesh Nandan , Sacramento Office


5 Star Review

Very happy with the service we've received from Barrier. All the issues we had at our house have disappeared, and are now just in maintenance mode. We are definitely sticking with Barrier going forward.



5 Star Review

We are totally satisfied with outstanding job that Jared is providing for us. He is very friendly and has a great personality.

Tamako Pierce , Sacramento Office

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Ready to reclaim your backyard? Call us at 916-931-3027